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Spooky, Ukey, Sometimes Kooky RiotGhoooul From the Tristate!

Founded in 2018, in a humble basement in nowhere New Jersey, the Lous were conceived from a halloween candy corn fever dream.   Taking inspiration from John Waters, b-horror films, clowns, cats, and our own existential dread, the Lous stumbled across something gre....well, they stumbled across SOMETHING that temperate March evening.

The Mary Lous are currently based out of the tristate area and can loosely be called a band. Delivering their unique, catchy brand of riotghoooul that's equal parts comedy, creepy, and campy.


Three parts stand-up routine and one part actual songwriting, The Mary Lous add an exciting element to their music using electric ukuleles, dueling vocals, and upbeat pop tempos, The Lous have a sound that will sneak into your brain like an ear worm and live there for days.  And they aren't sorry.  


The Lous are:

Razor De Rockefeller - Vocals, Tenor Ukulele, Candy Bukkake

Howl Daddy (ARP) - Vocals, Guitar, Kitty Stroker

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